with all the plasterboard up!

This is Lock up stage now. The first photo is looking out of the theatre room (before the new window has been put in place). The second photo is the view from the hallway (entrance) 'again prior to the window change'. The third photo is the 'cut off' view from our ensuite looking back to where the bed will be and the beginning of the wardrobe. The rectangle you can 'sort of make out' that is a cut out into the wall where dow
nlights will be installed.
So, you can see the bathroom, ensuite & Laundry cabinets. We are really happy with the colours chosen. I kinda wish I had of chosed the same bench tops that are in the Kitchen for everything. But oh well!! The bathroom etc, don't look that bad. We are really really happy with the Kitchen and with the new window, it makes all the difference. You can see that we also chose the round sinks for the basins. So far thats about it.
Oh, one thing that is pretty much STUPID.... 'apparently this is the plumbers job' roofing issues?? Anyway, the have not done the capping for the roof on the bedroom to your right as you walk through the front door. Because of this, they have to replace the cupboard frame etc. as it has started to swell already due to the rain we have had. With no roofing, obviously the water is coming in!! DERR FRED! haha.
Kurt is starting to sook a little as they haven't done anything since Thursday last week, 30.04.09 and it's now 6.05.09. Hey, they have done an inspection and did a site walk through with us on Monday. Of which, the site supervisor conveniently forgot about this, even though he'd discussed this with Kurt on Friday. So we showed up at 7.30am as discussed as Shane (site supervisor) didn't want to do it after 5pm to suit us. Anyway, so at 7.45am, we were getting impatient and called him when we got the reply of.... OH F#$% that was today? I have it for tomorrow. I'm leaving now! (AWESOME we thought) anyway, he got away with it cause he turned out to be an alright guy! And this is pretty much where we are up to so far!
Will update again shortly (hopefully) fingers crossed!! haha!